In the neon-lit streets of Night City, where cybernetic enhancements and corporate intrigue collide, shards hold secrets waiting to be unlocked. These digital fragments contain vital information, hidden lore, and even lucrative rewards. But how do you decrypt them? Fear not, fellow choomba! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of decrypting shards in Cyberpunk 2077. Whether you’re a netrunner, a solo, or just curious about the game’s lore, read on to master the art of shard decryption.
What Are Shards?
Shards are digital data fragments—encrypted messages, personal logs, or classified files scattered throughout Night City. When you stumble upon one, it’s like finding a virtual breadcrumb trail. Decrypting these shards provides insights into the game’s rich narrative, unveils hidden quests, and occasionally leads to valuable rewards.
Decrypting Shards: A Step-by-Step Guide
1. Acquire Shards
First, you need to find shards. You’ll discover them in various ways:
- Looting Corpses: Fallen enemies often carry shards.
- Exploring Containers: Search every nook and cranny for hidden shards.
- Quest Rewards: Completing missions may grant you shards.
2. Access Your Inventory
Press the corresponding button to open your inventory:
- PC: Press I.
- PlayStation: Use the Touchpad.
- Xbox: Press the View button.
3. Navigate to Shards
Within your inventory, locate the Shards tab. Click on it to reveal all the shards you’ve collected. New shards will be marked with a yellow “New” tag.
4. Decrypting Encrypted Shards
Some shards are encrypted, hiding their true content. To decrypt them:
- When you first find an encrypted shard, open it via the notification on your screen.
- If you missed that initial prompt, head to the Journal tab within your inventory.
- Select the encrypted shard and choose “Crack Security”.
5. Read the Unlocked Content
Once decrypted, the shard’s hidden information becomes accessible. Click on the shard to read its contents. You’ll find archived conversations, contracts, technology specs, world-building details, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is Shard Decryption Safe?
Absolutely! Decrypting shards is a legitimate part of the game. No hacking or illegal activities required just immerse yourself in Night City’s lore.
2. Can I Decrypt Shards Later?
Certainly! If you miss the initial decryption prompt, head to your Journal anytime to crack the security on encrypted shards.
3. How Do Shards Help in the Game?
Reading shards provides context, backstory, and additional objectives. They’re especially useful during quests like the Cyberpsycho Sightings, where you gather information for Regina